Fancy a change? Want to leave 2021 behind? We do too. What are some of your New Year’s resolutions for 2022?

Have your Home Revalued
A great way to start is to get your home revalued.
Sell your home with an agent you can trust - Us ;).
We know selling your property can be complex and we want to give you the best service possible with the minimum amount of fuss.
Our experienced and supportive team can help guide you through the sale and secure the right buyer.

Maximise Energy Performance (EPC)
An Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) is a document that details the energy performance of a building. By making improvements and making your house more efficient you will end up saving money.
If you are selling or renting out your property in Scotland, then you need an EPC. This is a legal requirement under the European Building Directive, and it is illegal to sell or rent property without one. Your Energy Performance Certificate will remain valid for a period of 10 years.

Consider a Maintenance Programme
Taking care of your home requires regular maintenance. Here are some tips to get you started:
- Check boiler pressure
- Test your smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors
- Submit your gas and electric meter reading to avoid unexpected bills
- Do a little garden maintenance
- Repair as you go
Keep an eye out for our extensive Home Maintenance Checklist soon!

Do the little jobs
- Clear out your cupboards
Re-stock all your staples – flour, sugar, condiments and tinned goods – but as you do so clear out all the items you know you aren't going to use until next Christmas. The New Year is not the time to be hoarding half-opened jars of cranberry sauce or mincemeat so use it up now or lose it. If there are food items or other non-perishables that are still in date and you no longer use, donate them at your local food bank.
- Get your Recycling in order
Make this the year when you really get to grips with recycling. Place bins and bags in a spot where they are easily reached, and if collection facilities are not readily available, try your local recycling centre.
- Make Cleaning easy
It's easier to clean the bathroom, for instance, if cleaning materials are to hand, so keep a basic kit in every part of the home: bathroom, kitchen, etc. This will also save you time and effort and make an ongoing domestic routine much less of an overbearing burden.

Consider a Home Office
There are a lot of advantages to working from home, not the least of which is a 30-second commute. And while many people think working from home means you can work on the couch, in the backyard, or even from your bed, in the end, you may find that you’re most productive at home when you work at a “proper” workstation.You know, the kind with a desk and a chair.
Setting up your home office means you’ve got a lot of choice and freedom. Want a purple and orange chair? Go for it! Want striped walls? Be our guest! But, no matter how you decorate, furnish, or set up your home office, we’ve got some tips that will help you create a space that contributes to your work from home success.
- Find a good location
For some people, choosing a spot for their home office is easy. They’ve got an empty room that they use as dedicated office space. It can be an actual “office,” but many people use an empty bedroom or even the basement. However, not everyone has that kind of free space in their home. When space is tight, you must think creatively about your “office space.”
You can always use part of the kitchen table as your office space—if you don’t mind packing up your office before every meal. But resetting your office after every meal may not appeal to you. In that case, you may have to think about using what space you do have creatively. Check out unused corners in larger rooms, large (but empty) closets, or even under the stairs! There are plenty of spaces that can convert into a home office with a little bit of creativity.
- Organisation is a must
If paperwork and important documents terrify you, don't make it too complicated this year. Simply take a pack of card document wallets and mark each one with categories, for example – 'gas', 'electricity', 'broadband', 'school'. Pop each letter or bill into the relevant file and find an accessible place to keep them all. Better still, opt for paperless billing whenever possible.
Because more of us are working from home, it wouldn't be too surprising if you've also built up a stash of work documents. Keep what you truly need, file alphabetically, and colour code documents if possible.
Dedicated storage options aren’t just good for the rest of your household items. They can also be used in your home office to house files, papers, stationery, and more. It doesn’t have to be large filing cabinets or huge desks and drawers. A simple cubby system with small bins could work. So could plastic storage tubs if you need to pack up your office at the end of the day. Even if you just clear a small area in an existing shelving unit and dedicate it to work items, you’ll immediately feel more organized.
It is important to invest in lockable file and storage cabinets if any information you are dealing with is sensitive. These don’t need to be boring and grey, there is still room for style and personality when picking out work furniture.
- Invest in the right furniture
A comfortable chair is the heart of a productive home office. You’ll spend nearly half your day on it. Investing in a good one will make a notable difference to your work life.
To find the right fit, pay attention to back, thigh and arm support. Also consider the material options and warranties offered, if any.
Why not consider a standing desk? A standing desk is exactly what you think: a tall desk where you work standing up. Most of these desks are height adjustable (i.e. you can lower/raise the height as needed). Some more expensive versions can even be converted into conventional sit-down desks on the fly.
A standing desk won’t magically transform your health, but it will improve productivity, focus, and heart health.
If you think your house has enough furniture or you’re not inclined to buy a standing desk, consider trying a standing desk extender. These desk extenders can also be adjusted by height and are often cheaper. They also allow you to turn any surface into a standing desk. It’s quite convenient when creating a home office for the first time: you can try different places to find the one that works best for you.
- Plants
A few green plants will not only add some colour to your office space but also increase happiness and reduce stress. In fact, even a few plants can increase productivity by as much as 15%.
Instead of choosing just any green plants, pick something that is easy to maintain and helps improve air quality. The spider plant, dracaena, Ficus and Boston fern are particularly well known for their air filtering qualities.