Please see below new proposals from the Scottish Government which will improve the energy efficiency of all homes and non-domestic buildings in Scotland.
- All landlords must meet a new minimum energy efficiency standard by the end of 2028 (social landlords already have to comply with this standard) See full details here
- Owner occupiers need to meet same minimum energy efficiency standard by the end of 2033 unless they have ended their use of polluting heating.
- In the future, when purchasing a property, you must comply with the prohibition on polluting heating with a specific amount of time following the sale settling (likely 2 -5 years).
- All building owners will need to have ended their use of polluting heating by the end of 2045.
- It is intended that previous proposals to require PRS properties to achieve an EPC rating of C at change of tenancy from 2025 with all PRS properties then required to reach the same standard by 2028, will not now be taken forward.
Unlike in England, there is currently no minimum energy performance certificate (EPC) requirement for PRS properties in Scotland.