Landlords should be aware that in common with most letting agents, we are not regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and cannot therefore deal with any regulated activities unless we are named on the policy as a joint policyholder. Regulated activities include notifying the insurer of a claim and completing a claim form.
We therefor advise all landlords to consider changing to our landlords insurance block policy which allows us to assist you with any claims. In respect of any landlords insured on The Property Store’s Landlord Insurance block policy (arranged by Bruce Stevenson Insurance Brokers), The Property Store are approved as an Appointed Representative (AR) of Bruce Stevenson via the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA agreement reference number 412817). We are therefore authorised to assist with ongoing insurance claims on the landlord’s behalf.
Should you wish to discuss please contact Lorraine at The Property Store at lorri@propertystore-ek.com or Nicole Ferguson at Bruce Stevenson nicole.ferguson@brucestevenson.co.uk