Following the recent announcement about the rent increase freeze and eviction ban, landlords have been getting in touch with questions.
Right now the only information we have is below and as soon as we have details on the practicalities we will update anyone who this may affect.
Patrick Harvie MSP has not provided any information on how the eviction ban and freeze on rent increases will work. Nor has he been able to provide any information on how they will affect rent increase notices already issued or eviction action already commenced.
He advises that the detail is still being worked on by civil servants who will role out updates “in due course”. They have advised that they are looking at how to support landlords.
These measures will be in place until at least 31 March 2023 and it was made clear that the freeze on rent increases applies from 6 September 2022.
As soon as we have more information we will update our landlords.