Dear tenant,
Please be aware that our offices will be closed:
From 1pm on 24th December 2021 and will reopen on 29th December 2021
From 1pm on 31st December 2021 and will reopen on 5th January 2022
We hope you are looking forward to Christmas and New Year and we pray that you have an issue free home this holiday! Of course, it cannot be helped if things do go wrong. Hoping for the best but preparing for the worst, we would advise tenants to start planning for closures in advance. We have put together some food for your thoughts:
- It is tenant responsibility to care for their keys. If we are not open we cannot access spare keys, and you will need to pay for a locksmith if have locked yourself in/out. Consider asking trusted family and friends to hold a spare copy of your keys, just in case you accidentally get yourself locked out over the holidays.
- Consider preparing for the cold in case your heating breaks down and cannot be fixed immediately. Things to consider buying are electric blankets, hot water bottles or plug in heaters, especially if you have young babies or any other vulnerable people at living at home.
- If you are not spending the holidays at home, remember to keep your pipes warm. Frozen pipes can cause serious damage.
- Sadly for all households, there is always an increase in break ins at Christmas time. Ensure your property is secure at night, and make sure you have insurance cover in place. In the event that your doors don’t lock and cannot be fixed right away, be extra vigilant. Consider (legal) intruder cameras- If you can.
- Locate your stop-cock! In the event that you have any water leaks you will need to switch your water supply off. It would be helpful to check where this is located in advance to save a panicked last minute search. Smaller leaks can be contained within buckets or bowls.
- Look up instruction manuals online and be confident that you can attend to minor issues yourself.
- If you lose use of your washing machine it is helpful to know that there are a number of self-serve laundrettes available at petrol stations.
- If its cold outside use this to your advantage if your fridge stops working, pop your milk outside if you can.
- Remember that tenants are responsible for small jobs within the home such as changing batteries and bulbs. Keep a stock of these handy
- We recommend YouTube for tutorials on topping up boiler pressures and bleeding radiators etc.
- Most loss of power is caused by single appliances, or overloaded sockets. If your electrics are tripping, here is a really handy youtube video to follow:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gXvt_TyyKTc Check with neighbours too, it could be a local outage.
- Consider buying humane traps in the event that mice chose your warm home for the holidays!
Of course, our staff will still be available for emergencies, and you can call us on our main office number should you need us.
We have sadly had a large increase of unnecessary calls. The staff on call for emergencies do not work in offices; they are often at home eating dinner with family, out shopping or fast asleep in their beds. We would ask kindly that tenants do not misuse this vital service and disrupt our staff unless absolutely necessary, especially during the Christmas period where nuisance calls, and verbal hostility or aggression can spoil their holiday cheer. We are all entitled to a break and our staff deserve a holiday as much as everyone.
We hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas and New Year when it comes.
From all of staff at The Property Store.